Vici Competition – Shortlist submissions

The Vici Competition runs from May 2014 to November 2014. In the final competition on linked and open data for educational purposes, people were invited to design and build advanced prototypes and tools that are driven by linked and/or open data. The tool should be mature and stable, and they should be used or have been used by a fair amount of users on a realistic scale (

Our work, “Visualizing Research Works in the Water Resources Industry” was included in the shortlist of submissions. That means we are running for the big prize and for the people’s choice award!

Vote for us here:


author: Ricardo Kawase, Ujwal Gadiraju and Patrick Siehndel


Visualizing Research Works in the Water Resources Industry

With the increasing practice of making data openly available, nowadays there is a growing amount of information easily available pertaining to water resources and ecology. Scientific works by researchers across the world contribute to the abundance in such data. Major challenges that emerge due to the volume of data include the discovery of useful and relevant content, as well as learning and interpretation of the various disparate content. In this work, we aim to aid researchers and interested stakeholders in understanding the vast landscape of scientific research in the water resources industry. We integrate different sources of data from the Web; journals from Elsevier, tweets from Twitter, and wikipedia annotations. We use interactive visualizations in order to engage the users and satisfy their information needs.

Online prototype: